Jun 23, 2012

Types of Traumatic Stress

Child neglect

Did you know that neglect is the most common form of abuse reported to welfare authorities? Children can be predisposed to a range of traumatic experiences, least of which is violence at school, medical violence, domestic abuse, predatory violence, and much more; these may include beatings, stabbings, rapes, and other brutal acts. Children suffer trauma as witnesses, perpetrators and innocent

Violence at school

A child can be an innocent bystander on the school grounds minding his own business and find himself embroiled in trouble without having done a thing. With kids carrying weapons and guns to school, definitions of school violence range from very narrow to very broad. It is broadly defined by The Center for the Prevention of School Violence as “any behavior that violates a school’s educational mission or climate of respect or jeopardizes the intent of the school to be free of aggression against persons or property, drugs, weapons, disruptions and disorder.”

Domestic Violence

Violence in the home can include sexual, domestic and other forms of abuse between adults in a close relationship. Domestic violence can be directed towards a partner or children who just happen to be in the way, and it is said that anywhere from 3 to 10 million children as young as eight and under are exposed to domestic violence in the United States every year.

Childhood Trauma

Early childhood trauma means the traumatic experiences which occur to children from birth to the age of six and can be the result of intentional violence which includes physical or sexual abuse. Early trauma can also be the result of experiencing war, tsunamis, hurricanes and other natural disasters. Young children may also suffer traumatic response when having painful medical procedures or the sudden and unexpected loss of a parent, sibling, or caregiver.

Medical Trauma

There is also the reaction to surgery and to medication which some patients may exhibit. They may be afraid of surgery or anesthesia or be prone to negative thoughts which can also affect them. Negative reactions can put the patient in a negative frame of mind and result in depression and other problems. For more information and a full report of the types of traumatic stress go online and read all about it in a full report.


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